GeneralDescription The DM1616S-B is a complete GPS&Beidou engine module that features super sensitivity, ultra low power
and small form factor.The GPS&Beidou signal is applied to the antenna input of module, and a complete serial
data message with position, velocity and time information is presentedatthe serial interfacewith NMEAprotocol
or custom protocol . Its-165dBm trackingsensitivity extends positioning coverage into place like urban canyonsanddense foliageenvironmentwhere the GPS&Beidou was notpossiblebefore.The small form factor and low power consumption make the moduleeasy to integrate intoportable device like PNDs, mobile phones, cameras and vehicle navigation systems. Applications
LBS (Location Based Service)
PND (Portable Navigation Device)
Vehicle navigation system
Mobile phone
1.1 Features
Build on high performance, low-power MediaTek MT3333 chip set