Low Power Ultra High Sensitivity GPS&Glonass Antenna Module GeneralDescription DelinCommDL-1616N-GCMRisacomplete GPS engine module thatfeatures super sensitivity,ultralowpowerandsmall formfactor.TheGPS signalisappliedtotheantennainputofmodule,andacompleteserialdatamessagewithposition,velocity andtime informationispresentedatthe serial interfacewithNMEAprotocol orcustom protocol. Its-165dBmtrackingsensitivityextends positioning coverage into place like urban canyonsanddensefoliageenvironment where the GPS was not possible before. The small form factor andlow power consumptionmake the moduleeasy tointegrate
into portable device like PNDs, mobile phones, cameras and vehicle navigation systems.
LBS (Location Based Service)
PND (Portable Navigation Device)
Vehicle navigation system
Mobile phone
Build on high performance, low-power MediaTek MT3337 chip set